The early days of your loved one’s recovery can be exciting and a bit unnerving for everyone involved.  It is important as family members work to support their loved ones in the most realistic and comprehensive way and one of the most formidable challenges people face is allocating financial resources with security and transparency, with the ability to conveniently monitor and regulate when and how the money is used from an online dashboard.

True Link by VISA is a reloadable pre-paid card which monitors the spending via an up-to-the-minute transact page, where you are able to see when, where and how much is being spent.  

True Link’s innovative card helps prevent setbacks while encouraging positive behavior, offering your loved one a measure of independence.  You want nothing more than to support and encourage your loved one’s independence and growth without having to worry about the possible consequences of “cash-on-hand” and use of funds at liquor stores, gambling establishments, bars and other non-approved locations of sales.

The card works at only pre-approved selected merchants and blocks ATM/check-out withdrawals denying access to cash.  In addition to the safety of controlled finance allocation, the True Link card also encourages important budgeting and money management skills.

This is an independent service offered outside of Monarch Sober Living Homes but we find it a very beneficial tool in creating accountability, structure and maintaining guidelines around resident spending behaviors, many times also alleviating added temptations and reducing opportunities for lapses in judgment.

To find out more, please visit True Link